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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Nuggets 1 Alert Scale For the Nuggets

All teams, of course, have an alert status, and the key thing that can swing games is not so much the actual status of the two teams, but the difference in the two statuses. The difference in the alert status is a third outside factor that impacts a game, joining home court advantage and extra rest advantage, if any.

NO ALERT (0-15): There are virtually no problems. Teams like the Spurs are in this category from time to time.

GREEN ALERT (16-29): There are minor problems whose total impact is very small. There is very little effect on the team’s ability to win games against teams from any level.

GREY ALERT (30-44): There are relatively minor problems leading to a small threat against the success of the entire season. It is still possible to beat quality teams, but it will be more unusual to beat a quality team, because about 1/4 of what would have been wins against good teams will now be losses. There should be no impact with respect to medium and poor teams.

YELLOW ALERT (45-59): Minor damage is occurring to the season. The entire season is under medium threat. Beating quality teams is more difficult and will be relatively unusual. About 1/2 of all would be wins against good teams will now be losses. Beating mid-level teams is a little more difficult. About 1/4 of games that would be wins agsinst mid-level teams will now be losses. Beating low level teams is still relatively easy. A good team has become in between a good team and a mid-level team when it is under this alert.

ORANGE ALERT (60-79): Moderate damage is occurring to the season. The entire season is under serious threat, and you can just about forget about beating quality teams. About 3/4 of all would be wins against good teams will now be losses. Beating mid-level teams is much more difficult. About 1/2 of games against mid-level teams that would have been wins will now be losses under this alert. Even poor teams can often beat an otherwise good team that is under this alert. Close to 1/4 of games against poor teams that would have been wins will now be losses under this alert. A good team has been reduced to being a mid-level team, at best, when it is under this alert.

RED ALERT (80-99): Serious damage to the season is occurring now. Beating quality teams is almost impossible. Beating mid-level teams is extremely difficult and will be unusual. About 3/4 of games against mid-level teams that would have been wins will now be losses if there is a RED ALERT. The result against low-level teams is on a case by case basis. Close to 1/2 of games against low level teams that would have been wins will now be losses under this alert. Essentially, this alert means that an otherwise good team has been reduced to being a poor or low level team.

BLACK ALERT (100+): The season is lost and, under normal circumstances, the Coach is going to be fired no later than the end of the season. The Coach almost always gets fired when a season is lost during what was supposed to be a good season, regardless of how much of the blame actually is due the coach for the problems that led to the loss of the season. Under a BLACK ALERT, the team has become one of the worst teams in the League, and will lose most of it's games.